For tight shut down is important. In order to maintain this, you can use one of two guiding mechanism: double top stem guide or seat orientation. Double top stem guide uses two closed parts guiding keep the hair and the seat ring concentric across the stuffing box. These guide overall by cocks compatible metal, metal to avoid abrasions, can also make use of an elastomer or graphite bushings. Two guide structure should be as far away from the in order to avoid lateral movement caused by the role of the process fluid in the spool head.
Guide valve cap hole and implementation of stem must be kept closed tolerance to maintain a tie, the tie will result in a smooth linear motion without constraints and spilled liquid.
In addition, a commonly used manual shut-off valve guide type seat-oriented structure. Here spool lever is supported by a guide (it acts as a packing gland). The external diameter of the spool head extending portion, as a second guide surface for guiding the valve seat. This means lower guide surface to stay in the logistics layer, so the process medium is relatively clean. The spool head lower part of the hole, the hole in the valve seat to open logistics movement through the spool head in the process, to reach the seat. Change the size and shape of these openings will be affected to reduce the flow rate and flow characteristics. Because the upper guide and a lower guide between the length at the maximum length, therefore the lateral stopcock movement caused due to the process stream is not a problem, and the tolerances required in this type of guide, unlike the double top stem guide is as strict. This structure reduces the opportunity of any vibration of the operation of the spool. When the valve body and the valve seat made of the same material, the wear may occur on the metal surface in the long-term or frequent operation. High temperatures can lead to thermal expansion and hold labor.